Conspicuous Consumption

Ok, I get it.  Puppies explore the world by putting everything into their mouths.  But Asa is certainly pushing the limits by treating our morning walks like a puppy smorgasbord!  Must he stop and sample every maple tree seed, pinecone and twig that he sees?  Worst yet, why does he insist on licking worms and slugs?!  And don’t get me started on how many of the neighbors’ plants he has tried to consume along the way.  Clearly Asa needs to focus on the task at hand – namely exercising Mom and Dad, rescuing fallen branches, and patrolling the neighborhood for unwelcome intruders such as deer and squirrels!  Obviously I have a lot more training to do with the little guy to make him a well rounded citizen such as myself.  Living with a Golden isn’t easy!

Asa sampling the neighbor's lupine.

Asa sampling the neighbor’s lupine.


About the author

Chuck Billy is a Golden Retriever, living in Southern Maine, who likes to share his unique observations on life with his little brother Asa. When not writing his blog, he spends his days being awesome.

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