“Don’t Lick My Toothbrush” and Other Traveling Tails

Mom and Dad have a few days off from work.  Time to head to my Grandparents’ lake house for a vacation!  But before we head out, we need to pack.  Asa and I have become accustomed to certain creature comforts.  Therefore when we go on vacation it is like packing for a small army.  Amongst other things, we need our food, favorite toys, life vests, lots of towels, and treats.  We also need to make sure Mom and Dad pack plenty of water for us.  We don’t really need to bring water.  The water there is fine.  This is actually a hold over from Lemmy who use to refuse to drink anything except our water from home.  But don’t tell my parents’ that.  It is nice to have traditions!

Vacations are a great time for family bonding!  By living in close quarters we get to learn new things about each other.  For example, Mom doesn’t like sharing.  I’m not sure why she got so upset when I licked her toothbrush.  I’d gladly share mine with her if she needed it.  Also we learned that Dad snores…rather loudly.  I’m pretty sure poor Mom has never had a decent night’s sleep.  However, I discovered that a lick to the face would rouse him from even the deepest slumber.  Wonder why Mom just doesn’t do that?  These close living conditions also gave my parents the opportunity to enjoy more quality time with Asa.  For months I’ve been telling them that Asa only sleeps in ten minute intervals before waking recharged and ready to play.  I’m so glad Mom and Dad packed his favorite squeaky toys so they wouldn’t sleep through this phenomenon.

I have to say though, so far the best part of going on vacation is discovering new things.  Like the fact our barks echo across the lake!  It was very nice that at 6:00 AM our neighbor on the opposite side of the lake was outside waving at us!  This is going to be a fun week, so stay tuned for more updates on our Traveling Tails!

Vacationing with dogs is like packing for a small army. But don't worry, if you look closely you'll see we didn't forget Chuck Billy!

Vacationing with dogs is like packing for a small army. But don’t worry, if you look closely you’ll see we didn’t forget Chuck Billy!


About the author

Chuck Billy is a Golden Retriever, living in Southern Maine, who likes to share his unique observations on life with his little brother Asa. When not writing his blog, he spends his days being awesome.

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