Family Secret Debunked

As you no doubt already know, today is Take Your Dog to Work Day.  Last year on this date to hide my disappointment of being left at home, I may have told you a fib by writing that my Dad is a Super Hero.  Ok, I lied.  Dad isn’t a Super Hero.  I just told you that because I was really upset that Dad didn’t take me to work with him, and was jealous of all the dogs who did celebrate this important holiday.  But in my defense it wasn’t that big of a stretch.  As with Super Heroes, Dad did work long hours keeping him away from home, wore special clothes that he never wore when playing with me, and by my count had more gadgets than Batman and Superman combined.  However, that all changed last Summer.

Last Summer Dad got a new job!  No more long hours and no more silly outfits.  In fact this new job allows Dad to work from home!  This of course put me in a horrible dilemma for Take Your Dog to Work Day this year.  How would I explain to you that Dad isn’t a Super Hero?  I briefly thought about telling another fib by saying that Dad is a Super Villain, who had to go into hiding and works from his secret lair.  Again, not far from the truth because Dad does work from a room that was for a long time off limits to Asa.  But Asa is very impressionable, and I didn’t want to give him the wrong idea about Dad.  Not to mention it is against the Golden Retriever code of ethics to lie.

So today I’m coming clean.  Dad isn’t a Super Hero.  Dad has a run-of-the-mill job.  But he is my hero!  Because now we can spend 24/7 together, making every day Take Your Dog to Work Day!  Ok, so going to work with Dad isn’t quite like I envisioned.  I thought our time together would be filled with hikes and beach romps, followed by endless games of fetch and cuddles on the couch watching Netflix.  Instead, he actually has to work.  Quite frankly his job is rather dull in my opinion, and I spend most of the time sleeping under his desk.  But he’s home with me and I wouldn’t change that for anything.  Every day is now Take Your Dog to Work Day!

Another tough day at the office...

Another tough day at the office but I wouldn’t want it any other way…

...Asa doesn't realize how good he has it working with Dad.

…Asa doesn’t realize how good he has it working with Dad.


About the author

Chuck Billy is a Golden Retriever, living in Southern Maine, who likes to share his unique observations on life with his little brother Asa. When not writing his blog, he spends his days being awesome.

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