Liver, Peanut Butter, Cheese & Bacon!

Asa is being home schooled for basic obedience training.  Early on we figured out he was highly motivated by food over play.  All of our other dogs were the same way so it was no surprise.  We needed to get some “highly valued” reward treats for him to help reinforce training exercises and, after trying a few different brands, we settled on Old Mother Hubbard Dog Biscuits.

Old Mother Hubbard Dog Biscuits

Old Mother Hubbard Dog Biscuits

These come in 20 oz bags of “mini” biscuits which are a good size for a small puppy maw.  They also come in assorted flavors which I originally went with to find out which type Asa would like the best.  As it turns out he likes them all, especially the “Liv’RCrunch, P-Nuttier & Bac’N’Cheez” variety.

Chuck Billy is very excited about the new training treats as well.  Whenever class is in session he stands side-by-side with Asa in order to demonstrate the command – and get a treat.  I have been going through treats twice as fast, but on the other hand, it is nice to have a teacher’s assistant.  Asa looks up to Chuck Billy and often mimics what he does and as a result training has been going great.

An advantage of dry treats is that they are not messy or greasy to carry around in a pocket.  In fact, in any given jacket pocket of mine you will find dry treats and poop bags.  I guess that covers both ends of the spectrum.


About the author

In his free time he entertains two Golden Retrievers that have seemingly endless energy.

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