My Golden Tail of Discovery

The pages of history are filled with the names of great explorers who risked their lives on quests to discover the unknown corners of the world.  Christopher Columbus, Leif Eriksson, Lewis and Clark, are just a few of the names that come to mind.  But until now one explorer’s name has been glaringly absent from the accolades of history – mine!  Gather round my friends, and I will tell you my tail wagging story of my greatest discovery right here in my backyard.  But be warned, this tale isn’t for the faint of heart!

It all happened way back in April of 2013, when I was just a young puppy barely older than a year.  Similar to this past week, after days of rain, the sun finally reappeared, and I was determined to get out and enjoy it.  That Saturday started like any other day, my big brother Lemmy and I enjoyed a run on the beach that morning, and were spending the afternoon drying off from our baths.  Mom and Dad had yard work to do, so we joined them in the area beyond the fence to supervise.  However, as you know, I’m a paws on kind of Dog, and sitting around supervising just wasn’t my thing.

Lemmy and I guarding Dad’s brush pile…boring!

That’s when I heard the call of adventure coming from the woods!  Mom and Dad are creatures of habit, and when walking in our woods we always followed the trail.  But that fateful day in 2013, I was determined to blaze my own trail!  Like most great explorers whose Mommies tell them not to go, I waited until my Mom was distracted.  That’s when I took off into the woods.  Lemmy tried to stop me, but he was turned away by the menacing gatekeepers of the forest.

Lemmy always did lack the bravery needed to be a great explorer.

As I crashed through the thick underbrush I suddenly realized my paws were sinking in mud.  Perhaps this wasn’t such a good idea after all?  I’ve been warned that the woods are dangerous.  However, nothing good has ever been discovered by those who are cautious.  So I forged ahead and much to my surprise my fur, which was almost dry from my bath, was wet again.  I had found a pond in our woods!  I can’t believe Lemmy, who was more obsessed with water than me, never found it before.  But there I was standing in the wonderful cool muck of my very own pond!

Here I am proudly posing in the pond I discovered.

It was then that Lemmy alerted Mom and Dad that I was missing.  He always was a tattletale.  So they stopped their chores and went off in search of me.  Ok, I admit they didn’t have far to look.  I was still on our property.  But oh were they surprised by my great discovery!  Even Lemmy managed to get over his fear of the pink flamingoes to run over to take a closer look.  However, did Mom and Dad appreciate my discovery?  Did they contact Google Maps to record what I found?  Did they shout the accolades that I deserved?  Well they shouted all right.  Dad yelled at me to get out of there, while Mom whined about having to give me another bath!

Like many of the great explorers before me, time needed to pass before anyone appreciated my great discovery.

But just as Ponce de Leon didn’t listen to his naysayers who criticized his great find of the Fountain of Youth, neither would I!  I ran around in jubilation shaking the mud off on Mom and Dad to celebrate my great discovery!  To this day, after heavy rains when my mythical pond reappears in the thicket, my parents refer to it as Chuck Billy’s Pond!  So next time anyone asks you to name a great explorer who set off into unchartered territory, please remember to include me, Chuck Billy, on that list!  Thank You!

My muddy victory lap!


About the author

Chuck Billy is a Golden Retriever, living in Southern Maine, who likes to share his unique observations on life with his little brother Asa. When not writing his blog, he spends his days being awesome.

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