Polite Introductions

Dogs, we’ve all been there.  Out and about enjoying a nice day hanging out with your friends, when out of nowhere your parents ruin it by calling you some embarrassing nickname.  The other dogs inevitably laugh at you.  Some even mock you by calling you that ridiculous pet name.  All the while you try to play it cool, pretending it doesn’t bother you.  Well it does bother us.  It is time we take matters into our own paws!

On a recent outing my Mom had the audacity to call my brother, “Asa Poo!”  Why would she for no apparent reason decide to associate his name with the word “poo.”  That’s disgusting!  I know they take great pride in carrying our poop around, but please refrain from calling us poo.  Then there was the time Dad called me “Chuckle Bear,” just as I was establishing with my new friends at the beach who would be alpha dog.  Instantly I lost all my street cred from my peers.

So until they stop embarassing us, I’d like to introduce “Pez Dispenser” and “Treat Miser.”  No longer will I be introducing my parents as Mom and Dad to other dogs.  Instead they will have to go by these ridiculous, yet accurate descriptions.  That will teach them to show respect!  Now if you excuse me, I’m going to bother Pez Dispenser to give me some treats.

Oh the humiliation! Cooper is trying to be polite with hiding his head in a hole, but Charlie is openly mocking Asa's stupid nickname.

Oh the humiliation! Cooper is politely trying to hide his laughter by sticking his head in a hole, while Charlie is openly mocking Asa’s stupid nickname.


About the author

Chuck Billy is a Golden Retriever, living in Southern Maine, who likes to share his unique observations on life with his little brother Asa. When not writing his blog, he spends his days being awesome.

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