The Birds and the Bees

This morning Asa asked me to tell him about the birds and the bees!  My paws started sweating.  I was completely unprepared for his question.  That is until I looked outside and realized he was referring to the wild turkeys who live behind our bee hives, and he just wanted an update on both.

Three families of turkeys have taken up residence in our yard, and between them the best I can count is they have 16 chicks.  Each morning the Momma Turkeys gather their chicks in our yard for a playdate.  I have to admit they are fun to watch.  The littlest ones hop up and down stretching their wings attempting to fly, and the older ones start showing off but inevitably tumble headlong into the woods.  All the while the Momma Turkeys watch and cluck at them.  After awhile of playing and socializing, the three families separate and go to their respective corners of our property.

If you look closely there are nine of the turkey chicks.

If you look closely there are nine of the turkey chicks.

As for the honey bees, well that update is a bit more complicated.  I’m happy to say Queen Elizzzabeth II was rescued from her candy castle, but it may be a week or so more before we know if her reign is a success.  Her Chuck BEEly Hive continues to lag behind in honey production, and overall there doesn’t seem to be much activity.  Upon closer inspection Dad says it appears they are attempting to make more Queens.  So I fear Queen Elizzzabeth II’s reign may be short-lived.  It’s all very discouraging, especially in comparison to Azzza Hive.

The Candy Castle is empty! Long live the Queen!

The Candy Castle is empty! Long live the Queen!

Asa’s bees have turned their house party into a block party!  The bees frequently bring their party outside and cover the side of Azzza Hive.  I thought for sure that his bees are getting ready to swarm and follow their Queen to a new home.  But Dad assures me no such luck.  Rather they have so much going on inside their hive that it is getting hot, and they were just outside while it cooled off.  I can only imagine how their partying and loud buzzing must be upsetting my honey bees.

Life is one big party at Azzza Hive.

Life is one big party at Azzza Hive.

But it isn’t all fun and games at the Azza Hive.  All their frivolity has attracted the attention of party crashers.  The other day a bumble bee tried to sneak into their hive to enjoy the fruits of their labor.  Luckily though the bouncer bees that guard the entrance repeatedly blocked her attempt, and eventually she gave up and flew away.  You’d think they’d learn to keep a low profile after that incident, but no they are out there again today partying it up!

So that is my birds and bees update.  Paws crossed Asa never asks me about those other birds and bees!

LWAG Bee Hives

Chuck BEEly Hive’s noisy neighbors.  

Watching the turkey playdate.

Watching the turkey playdate.


About the author

Chuck Billy is a Golden Retriever, living in Southern Maine, who likes to share his unique observations on life with his little brother Asa. When not writing his blog, he spends his days being awesome.

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