Trapped in a Golden’s Body

Asa here.  By now I’m sure you’ve all read about my uncharacteristic behavior this past weekend.  But before you pass judgement please let me tell my side of the story!  After all this is America where all dogs are presumed innocent until proven guilty.  Where to begin?  Well I really have no excuse for eating my bed.  I admit it, I was bored.  But that’s no reason to take my bed away!  As for ignoring the four paws on the floor rule, I was just really hungry.  Would you believe Mom and Dad slept late and my breakfast wasn’t served until 7:00 AM!  It’s a miracle I didn’t starve.  I was so overjoyed to see the bowl I wanted to check to make sure it wasn’t empty.  But I admit these indiscretions are nothing compared to what happened on our daily hike.

There I was happily walking with Chuck Billy along the trail, when all of a sudden it was like a switch suddenly went off in my head.  I don’t know what happened.  Suddenly my innate instincts kicked in, and I could not control myself!  I felt wild!  I felt free!  As I took off running, I could feel my primeval blood pulsing through my veins!  I was no longer a Golden Retriever.  I was a Dire Wolf!

Although I knew my behavior was wrong, I couldn’t help myself.  Perhaps it was just hormones like Chuck Billy theorized.  Or maybe I really am fulfilling my destiny as a Dire Wolf?  Just look at the attached picture.  I’m huge compared to Chuck Billy.  Pictures don’t lie!  I’m a Dire Wolf trapped in a Golden Retriever’s body!  Whether it is teenage angst or fulfilling my destiny, either way I’ve learned from this experience that “with great power comes great responsibility.”  It is my duty now to figure out how to control it so that an outburst like that never happens again.  Thank you for listening to my side.  I’m going to put my head on Dad’s lap again so he’ll know how truly sorry I am for not listening to him.

Just look at how big I am compared to Chuck Billy. Clearly I'm a Dire Wolf trapped in a Golden's body!

Just look at how big I am compared to Chuck Billy. Clearly I’m a Dire Wolf trapped in a Golden’s body!


About the author

Chuck Billy is a Golden Retriever, living in Southern Maine, who likes to share his unique observations on life with his little brother Asa. When not writing his blog, he spends his days being awesome.

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