Wolf School

As you know scientists have recently declared me a Golden Wolf, and Asa will eventually grow up to be a Dire Wolf.  Well you can’t even begin to imagine our excitement when on a recent trip to Ipswich, MA we drove past a school for Wolves!  According to the Wolf Hollow website their goal is to “Protect the Wolf in the wild through education and exposure.”  That’s perfect for Asa and me!  I could use a refresher on being a Wolf, and Asa could use all the help he can get tapping into his inner Wolf.

Mom says that once again we are confused, and that Wolf Hollow is an educational facility designed to teach humans about the North American Gray Wolf.  Their goal is to educate people, not dogs, about the important role Wolves play in the environment; the dynamics and hierarchy of Wolf packs; and how Wolves are still a threatened species who need our help.  According to Mom, they are open on weekends, and the Wolves who live there are only there to teach humans, and that they don’t take very kindly to being gawked at by dogs.  At least that’s better than what Dad said to us, “They’re all gonna laugh at you.”  He may have a point though.  Asa is really embarassing.

It doesn’t look like we’ll be enrolling at Wolf School anytime soon, but if you happen to find yourself driving through Ipswich this weekend, it may be worth checking out Wolf Hollow.  In the meantime, Asa and I will continue to tap into our inner Wolf at home.  Arrooo!

LWAG Wolf Hollow

Chuck Billy & Asa hard at work tapping into their inner wolf.

Chuck Billy & Asa hard at work tapping into their inner wolf.


About the author

Chuck Billy is a Golden Retriever, living in Southern Maine, who likes to share his unique observations on life with his little brother Asa. When not writing his blog, he spends his days being awesome.

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