Chuck Billy’s in Charge

Today is Boss Appreciation Day.  However, I’ve been awake for a few hours now, and Mom, Dad and Asa have yet to do anything to mark this special holiday.  Therefore as their lovable boss, I would like to take this time to remind them, why they should appreciate me today and every day.  After all according to my research, I am the embodiment of the 5 qualities that make a great boss:

Sets clear expectations 

A great boss knows how to set priorities.  Every day I have the same expectations to be fed, walked, played with and petted.  Luckily for them, I’m a boss with simple priorities.  However, a great boss also doesn’t tell the employees how to get the work done.  Therefore my employees are entrusted to execute these daily tasks in the best way they see fit.  For example, I expect to be walked every morning.  Yet I allow Dad to decided whether he wants to do that before or after his first cup of coffee.  Ok, I admit I do get upset when on the weekends if he’s savoring that coffee a bit too long.  But as long as my expectations are met, I will refrain from barking orders. Besides, I recognize Mom, Dad and Asa each have their own unique skills.

Understands each employee’s unique talents

A great boss encourages employees to do what they do best.  Now this to me is a no-brainer.  Mom is in charge of feeding me, because not only is she punctual, she also adds delicious extras in my bowl like strawberries or eggs.  Dad, on the other paw, is not so punctual when it comes to meals, especially breakfast.  Yet he is very dependable when it comes to walks.  No matter what the weather, he is out there with me on neighborhood patrol.  Even Asa, believe it or not, has a talent.  It’s his willingness to play anytime day or night.  Oh sure he can be a bit too enthusiastic at times, but I know I can always count on him to wrestle, play a round of chase, or tug of war.  However, a great boss is also flexible.  I don’t want to come off as a micromanager.  So when it comes to my expectation of being petted, I don’t play favorites.  Either Mom or Dad will do.  Which brings me to the next quality found in a great boss, recognizing employees’ individuality.

Cares about employees as an individual  

A great boss stops by and says hello.  No matter how busy my day may be, I will stop what I’m doing, unless of course it’s eating, and give Mom, Dad and Asa my full attention.  That is why when I’d rather be napping downstairs, I will make the trek upstairs to check on what Dad is doing, or will follow Mom around the kitchen while she is cooking, or even roll over in the middle of the night to make sure Asa isn’t up to trouble.  Employees need to feel appreciated, and thrive on being recognized, especially for a job well done.

Rewards good performance

A great boss also understands the importance of congratulating employees for a job well done.  Therefore, if Mom is throwing the ball particularly well, I will insist she continues playing endless rounds of fetch with me.  Or when Dad finds just the right spot behind my ear to pet me, I will insist he doesn’t stop.  Even if it means he has to stop working his other job to cater to me.  Even Asa will occasionally surprise me by finding a toy hidden under the couch that has been missing for months.  I reward him for these efforts by making sure the toy is still in good condition by taking it away from him and playing with it.  However, my employees sometimes need a little guidance.

Provides constant feedback

A great boss educates and enlightens.  I like to think of myself as Mom, Dad and Asa’s mentor.  So when I see them straying from my expectations, I let them know it.  That’s why I have no choice but to bark during Dad’s meetings if he dares to stop petting me.  Or I will squeak my toy while standing in front of the TV if Mom insists on watching the last few minutes of a movie when clearly it is dinner time.  And why I have no choice but to throttle Asa when he’s being annoying in the middle of the night when I’m trying to sleep.  I believe my gentle but persuasive feedback molds them into better employees.  It also helps to focus them on the long term goals of keeping me happy.

So with that said, I will patiently await the party they no doubt have planned for me today to celebrate all the wonderful things I do for Mom, Dad and Asa as their lovable boss.  And to all the other dogs out there in charge of their families, Happy National Boss Appreciation Day!  Keep up the good work!

Mom, Dad and Asa should appreciate what a great boss I am!


About the author

Chuck Billy is a Golden Retriever, living in Southern Maine, who likes to share his unique observations on life with his little brother Asa. When not writing his blog, he spends his days being awesome.

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