Category Archives: Chuck Billy’s Blog

Plight of the Piping Plover

Coastal Maine suffered extensive damage this past winter, leaving returning seasonal visitors the difficult task of rebuilding their summer homes. This includes our feathered friends the Piping Plovers. Along Maine’s seacoast much of their nesting areas in the dunes and sandy areas above the tideline were damaged or washed away in the record breaking storm […]

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Asa’s Eye: Slow as Molasses but Improving

Asa never ceases to amaze us and his eye doctor. His eye clot, the one that has been blocking his vision for months, the same one that combined with the hemorrhages had the ophthalmologist mentally preparing us for his inevitable blindness, is actually slowly starting to break up! According to the report, “Asa’s evaluation today […]

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Asa’s Observations During the Solar Eclipse

Asa here. My brother, the renowned Dog Ufologist, wasn’t the only one conducting research during the Solar Eclipse. I also made important observations. My biggest take away is there was a lot of time spent sitting around waiting, while Chuck Billy adjusted his equipment, and checked social media for updates on any UFO invasions. For […]

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