Dog Eco-Friendly Housing

I watched a TV show today about the trend in environmentally friendly Tiny Houses.  Who knew I was a trend setter?!  I’ve been helping to build Tiny Houses for years!  Whenever the weather permits, Mom likes to groom Asa and I outside.  It’s part of her silly battle against fur tumbleweeds inside, but I digress.  Anyways, although she tries to clean up our fur afterwards some always blows away or gets caught in the grass.  Then the birds will come and gather it up, and use our fur to line their nests.  I hear my fur makes excellent insulation for hot days, and is soft for welcoming new eggs.  After windstorms and in the fall when the trees reveal their secrets, I am always pleased to find bird nests lined with my fur.  Field mice also appreciate the quality of my fur and use it for their winter homes.  So I guess you can say I’m a leader in the eco-friendly Tiny Houses!

An example of the eco-friendly tiny housing that Chuck Billy helped to build.

An example of the eco-friendly tiny housing that Chuck Billy helped to build.


About the author

Chuck Billy is a Golden Retriever, living in Southern Maine, who likes to share his unique observations on life with his little brother Asa. When not writing his blog, he spends his days being awesome.

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