Trash Bag Piñata: Ode to Garbage Day

My parents clearly don’t enjoy the simple pleasures in life.  Each week they grumble about Garbage Day.  But for me that’s the best day of the week!  The festivities begin with Mom making a trash bag piñata using the kitchen garbage.  Asa and I fill with anticipation as she lifts that wonderful smelling bag out of the waste basket.  We then jump with pure joy as she takes the bag out to Dad’s car.  Next I follow Dad outside to our poop barrel, and proudly watch him as he bags up mine and Asa’s poop for the week.  Then I escort him as he loads our accomplishments into the car.  I jump in with it and settle in amongst the bags for the ride to the Transfer Station, happily reminiscing about the week that has passed as I breathe in the familiar smells.  When we arrive my nose explodes with the all the wonderful odors of the Transfer Station.  While Dad attends to the recyclables and trash, I quickly position myself in the car so as to attract the attention of the people who work there.  Then this joyous trip culminates with the Transfer Station Attendant giving me a treat!  Treats always taste better at the Transfer Station, you know.  But sadly all good things must come to an end.  As we drive away I give one last sniff and dream of future visits.  Sigh, just writing this makes me giddy with anticipation for next week’s trip!

The best day of the week begins with a Trash Bag Piñata!

The best day of the week begins with a Trash Bag Piñata!

Chuck Billy supervising Garbage Day Festivities.

Chuck Billy supervising Garbage Day Festivities.


About the author

Chuck Billy is a Golden Retriever, living in Southern Maine, who likes to share his unique observations on life with his little brother Asa. When not writing his blog, he spends his days being awesome.

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