This winter is shaping up to remind me of my first in 2015! After the past few winters being a rather lackluster affair, Angel Chuck Billy has been hard at work making snow reminiscent of the good old days. If you need a visual, here is what my backyard looked like in February 2024.

Now here is a photo taken during last weekend’s storm.

And finally here is the record breaking winter of 2015!

Need a closer comparison?

Ok, I admit, I was lying down there. Here I am sitting up.

Oh and I was a puppy in 2015, so here a photo of Angel Chuck Billy for comparison.

Alright, I admit, the snow isn’t as deep as in 2015. After years of being at a deficit in snowfall, we are about average in Maine in 2025. But still I think Angel Chuck Billy deserves a round of applause for this winter that harkens back to the good old days! And just think, he still has a few weeks left to break the 2015 record of one of the snowiest in Maine!
Speaking of good old days, I’ll end this comparison with a video of Chuck Billy enjoying the snow in 2015.