As we look back in our rearview mirror at 2023, we’d like to thank you for coming along for the ride with us! Despite the year getting off to a very uncertain start with Asa’s emergency eye surgery and many trips to eye specialists for first, second and third opinions, that didn’t slow him down! Donning a new look with his goggles, Asa and I were ready for adventures!

And boy did we have adventures as we rocked Asa’s World Tour of Maine!

Yet we still found time in our busy tour schedule for me to further advance my UFO research. Especially when I proved a portal does exist in my kitchen!

I also broadened my research into the paranormal, with a side trip in search of Bigfoot. Too bad we never did find him that day.

There was also a lot of downtime with the excessive amount of rain we got this year. Which by the way, it is raining again as I write this! But at least you all got to know Asa’s friend Ducky a lot better!

There was also Asa’s brief midlife crisis, which thankfully didn’t last long.

Ok, so maybe it lasted a little longer than I realized.

And there was that brief lapse in judgement when I fell for the Barbie trend. But let’s never mention that again.

We’d like to take this opportunity to give a big shout out THANK YOU to all of our friends who joined us on virtual walks, used special hashtags, sent cards, and made donations to fundraisers that are near and dear to our hearts.

Most importantly, we’d like to thank you for all your love and support when we were having droopy tail days. This has been a difficult year for us, and we are so grateful for your kindness! Thank you for being there for us during our highs and lows, and understanding when we needed to take breaks.

So cheers to the year that was, and onward we go for even more grand adventures in 2024!