Today is National Peanut Butter Day, not to be confused with National Peanut Butter Lovers Day which takes place in March or National Peanut Butter Month which everyone knows is November. Anyways, Asa would like to dedicate his “Ode to Peanut Butter” to our big brother, Lemmy, who absolutely loved this treat. So much so that at the mere mention of Peanut Butter, he would perform every trick he ever learned in rapid succession in the hopes of getting just one lick. I admit Asa’s no Lord Byron, and this poem does not do justice to the wonderful treat it pays tribute to. But it’s hard to recite poetry with Peanut Butter stuck to the roof of your mouth! To fully appreciate this poem, I strongly suggest reading it aloud while eating Peanut Butter.
Ode to Peanut Butter
Peanut Butter, you are a dog’s delight.
I could eat you every night!
One whiff of you in the air makes my tail wag.
I jump with joy when I see you in the grocery bag!
Smeared on bones, or Kongs, or kibble, I like you best straight from the jar.
You’d play a starring role in my memoir!
Without Peanut Butter there would not be my favorite treat.
Mom’s Peanut Butter cupcakes I will always eat!
I admit I cannot resist your taste.
It’s even the flavor of my favorite toothpaste!
But alas, where do you come from oh sweet ambrosia of the dogs?
How do I hunt your savory globs?
With every single nutty bite you rock my world with ecstasy.
That’s why Peanut Butter, this Golden Wolf will hunt you with tenacity!

I could eat you every night!”

*whispers* That should keep you quiet the rest of the day.