Mother Nature is disrupting our routine with the first heatwave of the summer. In an effort to keep things cool in the house, certain doors are closed in order to run the air conditioner. I do not like closed doors. Should I bark at the obvious choice to be opened? Or should I choose a more ambiguous outcome? Either way a choice is inevitable. So today I present to you my reinterpretation of Robert Frost’s “The Road Not Taken.”
Two doors diverged in the hall,
And sorry I could not open both,
And being a dog, long I stood,
And looked at one as long I could
But it did not open.
Then looked at the other, just as long,
And being perhaps the better claim,
Because behind it I could hear,
quiet typing there.
Behind the other, no sound at all,
And both that morning equally closed,
Preventing me to travel on.
Oh to have a pair of thumbs!
Yet knowing the way of one,
I doubted I would like the other.
I shall be barking yet again,
Out here in the hall;
Two doors diverged in the hall, and I –
I barked at the one more traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.