Chuck Billy was on the naughty list to begin with. There is no doubt whatever about that. This must be distinctly understood, or nothing wonderful can come of the story I am going to relate.
It all began back in 2012 when just shy of his first birthday Chuck Billy went to have his photo taken with Santa. Being a mischievous pup, Chuck Billy tried to steal Santa’s hat. But Santa was wise to his intent. Chuck Billy left the mall that fateful evening with a photo of a slightly disheveled Santa with his hands firmly around Chuck Billy’s neck. Thus placing Chuck Billy permanently on the naughty list. Chuck Billy never forgot that incident. There the photo stood on the mantle, years afterwards, a fresh reminder each Christmas of that fateful visit.

Fast forward to 2018, when old Chuck Billy sat busy in his living room planning how this year’s photo with Santa would go. This would be the year he steals Santa’s hat! Yes, it would mean another unflattering photo with Santa, but what did Chuck Billy care? He wanted that pompom hat! Suddenly the door was flung open, and Asa came bounding into the room. “Merry Christmas dear brother! Is that the pet pictures with Santa schedule?” Annoyed by Asa’s excessive cheerfulness, Chuck Billy just nodded. “Splendid! I can’t wait to get my perfect photo and tell Santa my hopes and dreams for this Christmas.” Chuck Billy simply grunted. “Chuck Billy, certainly you’re not still planning to steal his hat again? You’ve tried every year and failed! Can’t you just sit and smile like me?” “Asa!” returned Chuck Billy, “You do your Santa pictures in your way, and let me take mine my way!” And with that they headed to the mall.
When Chuck Billy arrived at the mall, Santa took one look at him and said, “Are you the Golden Retriever who tries to steal my hat each year?” “I am!” said Chuck Billy, as he sprang into action. Yet once again, Santa was too quick for him, and in keeping with tradition Chuck Billy left the mall clutching a photo of Santa strangling him. Yet this time it was different. Santa actually looked like he was enjoying it!

Hours later Chuck Billy was awoken in the middle of the night by one of Dad’s prodigiously loud snores, and sitting up on his dog bed he got his thoughts together. Surely there was a better way to get Santa’s hat? Clearly Santa remembers him at that mall. He needed to surprise Santa at a new location. That’s when he remembered that Santa would be at the Santa Paws Festival of Trees! The next day Chuck Billy loaded Mom and Dad into the car and headed out for this new photo opportunity. Upon arriving at the festival, Chuck Billy’s dark mood immediately lightened at the sight of the twinkling lights, festive music, and the many people who stopped to pet him. In all that excitement Chuck Billy forgot his plan to steal Santa’s hat. However, he did overhear an Elf say, “after the photo your dog is welcome to enjoy a treat.” “A treat?” thought Chuck Billy, “Why at the mall, Santa never offered me a treat!” He then sniffed Santa’s hands, searching for his well deserved snack. Alas they were empty. Then he spied the box of treats underneath the Christmas tree. Chuck Billy left that event with a full belly, and a photo where at least Santa’s grip around his neck wasn’t so firm.

A week later, while doing errands at a local pet store, Chuck Billy was surprised to see Santa again. Unprepared for this photo opportunity, Chuck Billy slowly, silently, approached. When he came within reach, the jolly old elf bent down, and handed him a treat! “Finally! The respect I deserve!” thought Chuck Billy, as he sat down to pose, forgetting once again about the coveted pompom hat. However, in typical Golden fashion, Chuck Billy was not satisfied with the one treat option, and began to sniff about searching the nearby toys for any extra treats Santa may have been hiding from him. Although annoyed by the one treat limit, Chuck Billy left the store with his first photo of Santa suitable for the mantle.

Our story does not end there though, my friends. Chuck Billy visited a fourth time with Santa. However, this time Santa acted completely different than all previous visits! This Santa did not hold grudges, like the Santa of Christmas Past. Nor did he distract Chuck Billy with promises of treats, or adhere to a one treat limit. No this Santa was different. Instead of greeting Chuck Billy with a boisterous, “Ho! Ho! Ho!” He softly greeted him, whispering words that only Chuck Billy could hear, while inviting him to sit on the chair with him! At first Dad proclaimed, “No! He’s not allowed to do that at home.” And Mom interjected with “Watch out he steals hats!” But Santa ignored them all, while Chuck Billy settled in beside him and posed for the most perfect Santa picture of all. In fact, after hearing the story of the Santa of Christmas Past strangling Chuck Billy, the helper Elf photoshopped a Santa hat on Chuck Billy’s head.

As Chuck Billy left the store with his new favorite photo for the mantle, he proclaimed, “I will not be haunted by the Santa of Christmas Past! I will live in the present and look forward to future photos with Santa!” Mom and Dad still laugh to see his first photo with Santa from 2012. But Chuck Billy let them laugh, and little heeded them, for he was wise enough to know that he was no longer on the naughty list. And as for Asa, who got the perfect photo on his first try, he rejoiced that his brother Chuck Billy was finally on Santa’s nice list! May that be truly said of all dogs! And so, as Asa observed as he left the mall, “Merry Christmas Santa! Merry Christmas to All!”