Asa here. Well that was awkward. As a rock star, I like to give my adoring fans a memorable performance wherever I go. Such was the case on a recent visit to the vet’s for my annual physical. On that day I was greeted by my vet tech friend, and a new soon to be best friend. They were training a new receptionist at my animal hospital. Wanting to put on a good show, I decided that I would jump on the scale, do a quick spin, and then flash my big Golden grin in her direction. Unfortunately that’s not how it happened.
While I was jumping onto the scale to do this complicated trick, I was distracted to see my new Best Friend Forever reach for a treat jar. Since my last visit, they added a treat bar next to the weigh-in area. Wanting to earn that treat, I decided to improvise by adding an extra big swoosh of the tail for a dramatic touch. Oh it was a dramatic touch alright. But not in the way I intended.
I knocked the treat jar out of my new Best Friend Forever’s hands, spilling treats everywhere. You know how they say time slows down during accidents? They are right. I’m pretty sure Dad wasn’t really yelling “Nooooo!” super slow while the treats flew through the air. Yet that’s how it sounded. I’m also positive that Mom’s look of astonishment and embarrassment was not my imagination either.
This was not the first impression I wanted to make to my new Best Friend Forever. So in an attempt to fix the situation, I immediately began trying to help clean up by eating as many treats as possible. Apparently that was not a good decision, in my series of bad decisions that morning. I was quickly ushered away from the waiting room into an exam room with Dad, while Mom lingered behind helping to pick up the treats. As I held my breath from panting, I could hear Mom profusely apologizing in the waiting room. She repeated that apology again when we were checking out to leave. Thankfully my new Best Friend Forever just laughed, and said it was no big deal. But it was a big deal alright.
When we returned the following week for an update on my bloodwork, I was relieved to see my old best friend receptionist at the desk, and not my new Best Friend Forever. Surely she didn’t hear about my little mistake, and last week’s show was forgotten. It wasn’t. As soon as I walked in, she put on the biggest smile, and said “ASA! I heard about your grand entrance last week!” Well I guess what they say is true. There’s no such thing as bad publicity. As a rock star, I sure gave them a memorable show that day!

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