Asa here. Chuck Billy and I have somewhat different opinions on how to enjoy a vacation. Whereas he sees it as one big adventure exploring as many new places as possible, trying new things, and making new friends wherever we go, I find it comforting to have a mix of both old and new experiences. Don’t get me wrong. I enjoy our adventures. But there’s something comforting about doing familiar things while away from home too. I guess I’m more of a creature of habit than I realized.

For example, Chuck Billy insists on trying new and exotic foods. However, I prefer my plain old kibble.

It’s ok, you can eat mine too Chuck Billy…

Since we don’t have these cable channels at home, Chuck Billy also sees it as a chance to watch all his favorite conspiracy and ghost shows.

But I have to admit, despite being a big brave Dire Wolf, some of them scared me, and I ended up hiding behind the rocking chair…

However, little did I realize one of Chuck Billy’s shows would inspire me to look for a heavenly sign.

While enjoying the sunrise the next morning I saw a celestial message from our big brother, Angel Lemmy, on what we should do to make this vacation perfect for everyone.

Do you see it?

Look closely and there’s a dog playing fetch in the clouds!

Chuck Billy agreed that was clearly a sign from Lemmy that we should slow down and enjoy our time together. So with that he decided to skip the grand adventure that day. Instead, we all headed out to play something familiar that was definitely missing from this vacation, fetch with family!

Thanks Angel Lemmy for reminding us about what’s most important while on vacation, slowing down and spending time with family. Oh and while I was writing this post, Lemmy sent another sign, a rainbow to welcome us home and remind us that he’s always with us in spirit.

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