Mom declared war on our fur tumbleweeds, and was on a spring cleaning frenzy all weekend. To be honest I’m not sure if I should be pleased or annoyed. After all it was a lot of work spreading our fur throughout the house, not to mention our creative efforts with dirt. In fact now that I think about it, I’m downright offended!
With one swoop Mom washed away the nose art we’ve worked so hard to create on the windows. I guess she fancies herself as some sort of art critic. No worries, we’ll just make more. But I can’t help but be disappointed that she washed away the dirt height chart marking Asa’s growth spurt on the edge of the backdoor. We can never recreate that. But what really upsets me is her attempt to wash away the good stink we created throughout the house! You think dog dander smells bad? How about a recently shampooed carpet that reeks of wet dog and fake lavender! She can’t honestly think that is an improvement? Also, who is she trying to fool? Everyone knows we live here, so why try to cover it up?
Her fanatical cleaning even extended to our personal belongings. Would you believe she threw out a few of our well worn blankets and even some beloved old toys! Oh sure they weren’t what they used to be, but we should have been consulted in this decision. As for the blankets and toys that made the cut, she had the audacity to wash them too! But as with the nose art, it won’t take us long to bring them back to our standards. In fact, Asa has already smuggled in a leaf to shred in my crate.
On the bright side, at least this kept Mom busy all weekend. It even earned us a day out with Dad so we wouldn’t be under foot while she worked. Although to be honest, I think she used us as a distraction to get rid of a few of Dad’s things too. Not sure why Mom tries so hard though. One spin of the fan on the first hot day, and hundreds of our fur tumbleweeds will reveal themselves from hidden crevasses. Even if she does manage to find all the hidden fur, it won’t take us long to spread new fur from the tops of the curtains to the cubbyhole under the radiators and everywhere in between. But there’s no stopping Mom from doing this strange ritual. Besides, I have to admit it is exciting when she uncovers long lost toys stolen by the monster that lives under the couch!
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