All Clear!

I interrupt your scrolling to give you the good news – my ultrasound came back as all clear! No abnormalities found on my spleen or liver! Everything looks normal!

The “angry lump” the vet techs discovered when they shaved my belly for the scan also came back as benign. It is another sebaceous cyst like I had before. We will monitor it, and hopefully it won’t get infected and burst like that one did last year.

And now about the blood pressure readings, they are all over the map. The three readings taken during my regular exam are within the realm of reason. But the ones taken yesterday were super high. But you have to remember, I was excited to hang out with my friends at the animal hospital for Mardi Gras. So Dr. Doug suspects I was a little too excited without parental supervision, and ready to party before my ultrasound. He’s going to have another conversation with my ophthalmologist about it.

In the meantime we celebrate! We ruled out a lot of possibilities as to what could have caused this latest hemorrhage in my eye. We still don’t know the cause, but at least we know what didn’t cause it. We’ll follow up with another blood pressure check, based on what my ophthalmologist thinks is the best course of action. As for my spleen, no signs of Hemangiosarcoma, which is the cancer that took Angel Chuck Billy from us. However, due to the aggressive nature of this cancer, and the family history, it is recommended I get this checked again in the future. But that’s the future, and today we celebrate!

Thank you for your prayers and positive vibes as I waited for my test results, and on my journey with Golden Retriever Pigmentary Uveitis! Your support truly means the world to me and my family! Thank You! Now Let’s Celebrate!


About the author

Asa is an up and coming rock star, and devoted younger brother to Angel Chuck Billy.