There will be another empty seat at our table this Thanksgiving. Our Great Uncle has gone on to be with Grandpa and Great Grammy. We are trying to take comfort that after years of being apart from his dear mother, our Great Uncle will be with her in time for Thanksgiving. After all, Thanksgiving was Great Grammy’s favorite holiday. Oh how she loved having her family gathered around the table, and each year she would share precious childhood Thanksgiving memories of her parents, siblings, and grandparents. Thanksgiving is also a bittersweet time for our family. Fifteen years ago on that day Great Grammy passed away. We took comfort that year knowing she arrived in time to spend her favorite holiday surrounded by loved ones she dearly missed, and now will find peace knowing our Great Uncle will once again be celebrating with our Great Grammy and Grandpa this year.
But oh how we will miss our Great Uncle here! He was a quiet man, but he would put on the biggest smile when he saw Asa and me. Whenever we were together, we would stay glued to his side, and occasionally on his lap, as he petted us. He gave the best behind the ear scratches. Before us, his regular companion was Ralph the Pug. They were often seen driving around town together in his 1962 Ford Convertible. Years earlier he was also known to cruise around with his sister’s dog, Cookie. Apparently Cookie really enjoyed those car rides, because one of our Great Uncle’s favorite story to tell was about a day when he didn’t take Cookie for that ride to their usual spot. Well would you believe, Cookie was so mad, that when our Great Uncle arrived, who should be sitting out front of that restaurant but Cookie! He ran all the way there to join him! He said he never left him behind after that, or when he did he made sure someone was keeping an eye on him. Between Cookie and Ralph, there was a time when he did not have a dog of his own. So our Great Uncle filled that void by spending time with his friends’ pups and years later would happily share their stories with us. He sure knew some mischievous dogs! Speaking of mischief, he loved helping Asa and I break the four paws on the floor rule.
We are heartbroken that he will no longer be with us, but know that on this Thanksgiving our Great Uncle is surrounded by his loved ones that he dearly missed. And I’m sure he is giving Angel Lemmy a great big hug from us.