Friends, we’ve been keeping a secret from you, but only because we wanted Asa to have a happy birthday. Asa recently had another setback with his eye. The procedure last month to break up the fibrohemorrhagic clot did not work. The clot continued to grow and is now blocking more of his vision.
As it stands now, if Asa gets another clot or cyst, he will be blind. Given his history, that is a real possibility, but he’s not telling us when or if one may be forming. There is a surgery that the ophthalmologist can do to remove the current clot, thus temporarily improving the quality of his vision for the time being. As explained to us, it would bring the eye back to square one when / if a new cyst or clot forms, that could make it manageable rather than complete vision loss. However, there is always a risk with surgery. This procedure may speed up the clock to his inevitable blindness.
On Thursday, November 30th, Asa will be reevaluated by his eye specialist. If there is no change in the fibrohemorrhagic clot attached to the anterior lens capsular surface, then he will be having the surgery that day. We thank you in advance for your positive vibes and prayers, as we hope for the best for our little buddy.

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