Thursday Evening Update: Asa is HOME! The surgery went well, and he is resting comfortably on his bed. We’ll be getting the biopsy results in 1 to 2 weeks. Many thanks and gratitude for all your positive thoughts and well wishes for our brave boy!
It’s me, Asa. You may recall back in August I got to make all sorts of new friends at the animal hospital ER, when an infected abscess burst. Oh don’t worry, it didn’t hurt. But it sure made a gory mess, that upset Mom and Dad. You see I was keeping the abscess on my underbelly hind end a secret, because I didn’t want to worry Mom and Dad. I probably should have told them sooner. Anyways, on that August night, my new best friends at the ER cleaned me up, sent me home with medicine, and instructions to see my vet to monitor the healing.
After being on the antibiotics, I saw my primary vet who said although I had some more healing to do, I was right on track…until I wasn’t. Although it mostly healed, there remained a small pin hole that began oozing clear liquid. So in October, I went back to see my friends at my regular animal hospital. This time I made another new best friend, because my old new vet (they changed staff within the past year) wasn’t available to see me. This time I was told it could be one of two things. The abscess could just have more gunk that needed to drain, or there could be a “foreign object” in there. The vet flushed it out, and sent me home again with more meds. However, this time he cautioned that if it doesn’t heal, I may need surgery to remove it!
Once again, all was going well. This time it appeared to have healed completely. Then without any warning, it burst again last week! Even I was surprised by this turn of events! Unfortunately, no one could see me at my regular animal hospital for a month. However, luckily my very best friend, Dr. Doug, my original vet since I was a puppy who now works at a new place, could see me. Oh what a happy reunion that was! I missed him! And based on his reaction, I think he missed me too. Although it is a longer drive to visit, I could tell Mom and Dad were at ease knowing he would get to the bottom of the situation near my bottom. He agreed with the previous assessment that there could be something “organic” in there preventing it from healing. Or there could be something more going on under there. August is a very long time for something not to completely heal, especially since I was leaving it alone. Dr. Doug said the best way to find out and to stop it from bursting again, is to remove it.
Therefore tomorrow, November 14th, I’ll be having surgery to remove the abscess, as well as a fatty cyst that has been growing on my leg. We figured since I’d be having the surgery, I might was well have that growing lump removed too. This is NOT how I envisioned celebrating my upcoming 10th birthday at the end of the month. But I know I’m in good hands with Dr. Doug, and I’ll be feeling better by my birthday on November 25th. After all that will be the BEST week ever with my birthday on Monday, November 25th, Thanksgiving on the 28th, and on Friday, November 29th is Angel Lemmy’s birthday. All that in one week!
But I’m getting ahead of myself, and need to focus on tomorrow. Surgery, even routine, is scary, especially considering the delicate state of my eye, which can react to inflammation elsewhere in my body. So I really would appreciate your good vibes for my surgery tomorrow, and calming thoughts for Mom and Dad who I can tell are worried. Thank you! Now if you’ll excuse me, I really need to rest up for tomorrow’s adventure.