Asa’s Amazing Eye Did It!

I did it! Well actually my eye did it. But whoever did it, it worked! The fibrinohemorrhagic clot that has been blocking my vision since last October is gone! In fact, there aren’t even any signs of it! It is completely GONE!

My follow up appointment began as it usually does, with my ophthalmologist asking about how I’m doing. Mom happily told him how I am playing fetch, tracking objects, and maneuvering around new places with relative ease. But knowing my medical history, my eye doctor cautioned, “Well let’s take a look and see if the eye is improving or if Asa’s just learning to adapt.” Then he gazed into my eye and put on the biggest smile we’ve ever seen, as he proclaimed, “It’s gone!” To quote from my discharge papers, “Asa’s evaluation today showed surprising and unexpected resolution of his right intrapupillary fibrohemorrhagic clot. No signs of the prior clot were noted on evaluation today.”

Last October, on Halloween to be exact, I received an intraocular injection to break down the clot. It being me, I accidentally did the opposite and the clot continued to grow. Thus deeming that procedure unsuccessful. Then thanks to a different issue of hemorrhaging in my eye, a special surgery I could have had in November to remove the clot was ruled too dangerous and could lead to my sudden blindness. So we waited to see what my eye would do.

At my last check up in April there were signs of the clot ever so slowly starting to break up on its own, but I was still dealing with a “fun house mirror” affect when trying to see. However, to have it completely gone and not a trace of it at this recent visit was a surprise for everyone! The ophthalmologist even took a photo to compare it to the picture taken one a year ago, to show Mom and Dad what an “amazing difference.” Yep, those were his words! He called me AMAZING!!!! The specialist was at a loss as to how I did it, but he was so happy that I did.

I’m not out of the woods yet. As we learned with the emergency enucleation of my left eye in 2023, things can escalate quickly. And I still have evidence of Golden Retriever Pigmentary Uveitis in my right eye. But the pressure is returning to normal range, and the clot is gone. So the plan is to continue my eye drop regiment day and night, go for a followup in 5 months, and today… CELEBRATE this amazing update!

As always we thank you for your prayers and positive vibes on my journey with Golden Retriever Pigmentary Uveitis. Your support truly means the world to us! Thank You!


About the author

Chuck Billy is a Golden Retriever, living in Southern Maine, who likes to share his unique observations on life with his little brother Asa. When not writing his blog, he spends his days being awesome.