Asa never ceases to amaze us and his eye doctor. His eye clot, the one that has been blocking his vision for months, the same one that combined with the hemorrhages had the ophthalmologist mentally preparing us for his inevitable blindness, is actually slowly starting to break up!
According to the report, “Asa’s evaluation today showed very slow but obvious clearing of his fibrohemorrhagic clot on the anterior lens capsular surface.” That’s fancy doctor talk for the clot is starting to thin, making it more transparent, and there are tiny holes detected in it! When examining his eye, the doctor could for the first time in months, see all the way to the back! Asa’s eye is slowly improving!
Now don’t misunderstand, Asa’s vision is still more like a “funhouse mirror,” and is limited. However, we have noticed he is maneuvering around our house better, and especially at new places such as when we visited with Mushu. He’s also showing no signs of slowing down playing fetch. Or as his eye doctor wrote, “Vision was present and subjectively improved with the clarity difference.”
The ophthalmologist also noted, “Cornea clear; anterior chamber free of flare and free-floating cells; no visible cysts; pupil freely moving; visible lens clear,” and the vet tech was pleased to share his eye pressure was improving. Therefore, the current treatment plan of eyedrops will continue.
Oh happy day!!!! We sure weren’t expecting this news! Yes, we noticed he wasn’t getting worse, and each morning we feel blessed he can see. But to hear there is a slight improvement is a dream come true! The ophthalmologist did comment that this improvement is “slow as molasses.” Usually the clot buster injection he received in October works much faster. However, slow and steady wins the race, and with this report, our Asa surely is winning!
As always we thank you for your prayers and positive vibes on Asa’s journey with Golden Retriever Pigmentary Uveitis. Your support truly means the world to us! Thank You!