Asa here. I did it! I officially recorded my first song! Alright, I admit it is background music, on a corporate gig. But a recording is a recording, and I did it!
Dad was recording a short training video for his coworkers. He’s done this before, and to be honest they are really boring that Chuck Billy and I usually fall asleep to his yammering. This time was no different. But while I was sleeping under his desk, I began singing in my sleep. Ok, so Dad said I sounded more like the blub, blub, blub of a water cooler, than a song. Regardless, it was caught on tape.
Now in the past when Chuck Billy would bark during a recording, Dad would start all over again. But this time, he was on a roll, and what he was recording was unscripted, so he decided to leave my little song in the background! Now my singing will be heard by his team!
This means I can add singer / songwriter of “Incidental Music” to my resume! For those not in the know, incidental music is “music in a play, television program, radio program, video game, or some other presentation form that is not primarily musical.” Sure it isn’t the way I imagined my career as a rock star to begin, but I finally got my paw in the door for a recording contract!

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