I have to give Asa credit. He can be quite determined if he wants something. Too bad this time around he’s obsessing about us wearing matching Halloween costumes, which I have absolutely no interest in doing. This all started when Asa saw Ernie and Bert costumes at the pet supplies store. Luckily for me, they only came in sizes for small dogs. In fact, even better for me, Asa couldn’t find any costumes in stores or online that fit him. Apparently he has a really big neck and his head is ginormous. I blame his constantly swelling ego for his big head, but I digress. Now whereas most dogs would give up on their dream, not our Asa. He has been relentless all month trying to convince me to dress alike for Halloween.
Ok, so I may be somewhat to blame for getting his hopes up by letting Asa make homemade pumpkin costumes for when we patrolled that haunted neighborhood. But that was strictly so we could conduct undercover surveillance. However, Asa really pushed his luck the following weekend by trying to get me to wear that ridiculous costume for the Halloween dog parade. Not only did I rip his pumpkin face off his hiking vest, but I removed what I could reach on mine too! I have reputation to keep. I’m not wearing a silly costume!

Undaunted, Asa tried to persuade me with a fashion show of his ridiculous matching costumes suggestions. With the help of his stuffie friend, Asa donned a cape and suggested we go as superheroes. Sorry Asa, but there’s only room for one superhero in this family, and that’s me. And I most certainly don’t need a cape to save our neighborhood from real and imaginary threats!

Then Asa somehow convinced my friend Hoppy to model his idea of dressing up as twin lobsters. Yes Asa, I get the joke about twin lobster dinners being popular in Maine, but no, just no. I refuse to wear a ridiculous lobster costume! Besides, that one is way too small for me.

However, realizing that Asa won’t give up until I agree to a costume I finally compromised for the sake of some peace. I am willing to wear my favorite simple red plaid shirt, while Asa dresses as a lobster. We do not match, but at least we can go as a theme costume of Mainers.