Tuesday marks the anniversary of when Asa came home to live with us! I can still remember that day as if it were yesterday. We got up extra early that morning, and Dad took me for a walk while Mom did one last sweep puppy proofing the house. We all anxiously watched the weather forecast for an update on the snowstorm. One last hug and a pause to enjoy these final moments of peace, then Mom and Dad left to go pick up my new brother! Although I wanted to go too so I could visit with my Momma Sage, I opted to stay home and make the final preparations. I still remember nervously pacing, listening to the ticking of the clock counting down each minute. Oh who am I fooling? I curled up and took a nap as soon as the car pulled out of the driveway. So I’ll let Asa take over the story from here…
Thanks Chuck Billy, after all this was my homecoming! I remember realizing something was up starting the day before when we all got baths. There seemed to be a feeling of excitement in the air. Then starting that evening there was a flurry of activity, as one by one my siblings started to disappear. I recall thinking it was odd that they weren’t back by bedtime, but hey who was I to judge? More room in the whelping box to stretch out. The next morning more people came and more siblings disappeared. That’s when Momma Sage finally explained to me that we were going to our new homes. Soon it was down to just one sister and me. That’s when I started getting nervous. Where were my slacker parents? Why weren’t they here at the break of dawn like the others? Then it happened. Mom and Dad arrived! That’s when I heard my new name. I was no longer Mr. Light Green. I was Asa! What the heck kind of name is Asa? I was hoping for something a bit more manly like Iron Fang or Thunder Paws. No worries, what’s in a name anyways? I’m destined to be a Dire Wolf no matter what they called me.

The last time all my siblings were together in the whelping box. Can you spot me?! (Photo courtesy of Momma Sage)
As soon as I saw Mom and Dad I remembered they had visited a few weeks earlier, and I really liked them. Besides, I knew from the instant they saw me I had them wrapped around my giant paws. It would be easy training them! Before leaving on my new adventure, Momma Sage whispered words of advice to me. It was also at this moment I realized my new Mom takes a lot of pictures.
Next I was loaded into the car, and off I went for my first glimpse of this big world! But between Dad driving slow because of the Nor’easter, the lulling sound of the windshield wipers, and Mom gently petting me, I soon fell asleep. There was plenty of time to see the world later. I’ve had a busy morning. Besides with all that snow, there really wasn’t much to see. As I drifted in and out of sleep during that long car ride, I remember Mom comparing me to someone named Chuck Billy who tried to eat the seatbelt on his first ride home. I remember laughing at that name. At least they didn’t name me something silly!
Finally after hours of driving we arrived at my new home! Mom immediately whisked me outback to relieve myself…and take more pictures, while Dad went into the house. Then that was when I met my big bother, my best friend, my partner in crime – Chuck Billy! He came bursting out of the house with so much enthusiasm to greet me! We did the special Golden greeting. Then Chuck Billy peed on me! Seriously, Chuck Billy peed on me…three times! I understand you were excited, but did you really need to pee on me?
After some more playing in the freshly falling snow, Dad took Chuck Billy for a walk in the woods. Mom brought me inside to freshen me up a bit, and I began exploring my new home. I inspected the toys, found my water bowl, and claimed Chuck Billy’s bed as my own. And well, as you all know, the rest is history…