Once again I put Asa in charge of picking out a Mother’s Day gift. However, based on the recommendations popping up in our social media timeline, I’m a little worried about what Asa has in mind. Take for example this vintage dress from the 1860s…

Asa: Whoa! Don’t be so quick to judge! I found the prefect shoes and a purse to go with it making a nice outfit for Mom.

Chuck Billy: Where would Mom wear such an outfit? Surely not hiking!
Asa: Don’t be ridiculous! These rain boots are for high tide beach walks, and the dress is just like the ones women wore on the beach in those old photos Mom has been organizing.
Chuck Billy: Please tell me that you have other options for me to look at.
Asa: Well this isn’t as snappy, but you know how Mom is always complaining about her hands being cold in the winter? How about a pair of lobster claw gloves to keep them warm!

Chuck Billy: No, just no.
Asa: I thought you’d be crabby about that choice. So here is my final suggestion, as recommended to me by the bots in our social media timeline. It even received 4 stars!

Chuck Billy: I knew I never should have assigned such an important task to you!
Asa: What? Mom would totally wear this!
Chuck Billy: That’s exactly what I’m afraid of! Now if you’ll please excuse me, I need to go find a Mother’s Day gift.
Asa: Fine! We can each give her a gift this year!