Asa here. My brother, the renowned Dog Ufologist, wasn’t the only one conducting research during the Solar Eclipse. I also made important observations. My biggest take away is there was a lot of time spent sitting around waiting, while Chuck Billy adjusted his equipment, and checked social media for updates on any UFO invasions. For an event that lasted less than 3 minutes, there sure was a lot of anticipation leading up to it!

However, I quickly learned that this was serious work. I was chastised when I attempted to pass the time by playing fetch. Apparently the Brady Bunch rule of “don’t play ball in the house,” applies to UFO bunkers too.

We did have some serious discussions. For example, if this hat made Chuck Billy look like Ancient Aliens theorist, David Childress, who is described as a “real-life Indiana Jones.” Note to self: don’t disagree with Chuck Billy’s fashion choices. That got awkward.

Chuck Billy also had opinions about accessories I should be wearing too. How did he expect me to “keep myself entertained by coloring” if I couldn’t see anything with these protective eclipse glasses taped to my goggles? We were inside the bunker! Did he think I’d see the eclipse through the ceiling?

Despite my great respect for Chuck Billy’s research, I didn’t want to miss experiencing this historic solar eclipse over Maine! So when Chuck Billy was checking for social media updates on the UFOs, I sneaked outside. Here’s what I observed:
- During the height of the eclipse, the hum of traffic we normally hear in the distance all stopped.
- I did hear though the little girl who lives nearby squeal with excitement, while other neighbors applauded and cheered.
- The peeper spring frogs also came out and started singing as it got darker.
- Chippy Chipmunk made a lot of noise leading up to the eclipse. But I think that’s because while waiting for the solar show, Dad got bored and filled in the hole to his tunnels. Poor Chippy worked hard making that entrance.
- There was a noticeable drop in temperature as it got darker. But I probably only noticed it because it was an unusually warm 60ºF day, especially in comparison to the fact it snowed just days earlier.
- Chuck Billy was sort of right about we should stay in the UFO bunker. There was an invasion during the solar eclipse! But it wasn’t UFOs. It was mosquitoes! As it got darker out, I got swarmed by them! Early April, following a snowstorm, is not the typical time for mosquitoes in Maine!
- Little green friends don’t like it if you interrupt their solar eclipse activities with a happy dance.

My summary of observations on the Great American Eclipse: Although well stocked, perhaps Chuck Billy’s UFO bunker was a bit excessive. Going outside was basically like any other day. Sorry Sun, but I already know it is impolite to stare. We should have just stayed in our living room and watched it on television, because the local news did a great job covering what folks were doing around the state to celebrate this historic event.