While looking through old photos I made a startling discovery. Asa’s personality traits can be traced to one toy he played with as a puppy. That one item singlehandedly inspired his belief that he’s a wolf, with a passion for music, and a lifelong friendship with stuffed animals! Like all great superheroes, this is Asa’s origin story!
When Asa joined our family Mom worked outside of the house, and Dad would occasionally bring us to visit her. During these visits while I headed towards the kitchen in search of snacks, Asa would scamper to the playroom. I didn’t think much of it, other than that meant more crumbs for me. Without fail, Asa would always come trotting back with the same toy. The toy that made him who he is today – a stuffed animal bug that played the tune “Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf!”

Asa and the toy that made him who he is today! (Sorry it’s blurry, he was a zippy little fellow at that age.)
Asa would happily strut around with this toy proudly showing it to Mom and Dad, and any other people who happened to be present. However, if the toy dared to play the other two tunes programmed into it, Asa would throw a tantrum. He would paw at it and yelp his squeaky puppy bark until Mom got it to play his favorite “Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf” again. Little did I realize these brief visits would have such a profound affect on him, molding Asa into the dog he is today – delusional that he’s a big bad Dire Wolf, that has a passion for music, and is a friend to small fuzzy toys!
Why didn’t I pay closer attention? I knew puppies are very impressionable, and their experiences at a young age can affect them for life! I guess it could be worse. That toy could have made Asa think he was a bug, who’s afraid of wolves. Or inspired him to be a sheep with it’s other tune of “Mary Had a Little Lamb!” Now that would have been awkward. Then again, if Asa gravitated to the toy’s third song, “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star,” my little brother may have grown up to be an astronaut! Now that would have been really cool!