Asa’s Spider Ride Share Shenanigans

It all started with Asa giving a ride to a spider, then shenanigans ensued. There’s a chill to the air lately, so one of Asa’s spider friends wanted to come inside to warm up. He was patiently waiting on the outside door for a ride share, and Asa was happy to oblige giving him a lift. However, Mom who was following behind, saw Asa brush against the door, as the spider hopped on, and was quick to react. This was yet another example of Asa ignoring the “no outside friends in the house” rule.

However, after examining Asa outside, she couldn’t find the spider in his fur, and assumed he had already jumped off. Asa also feigned innocent to the accusation, and quickly scurried inside to sulk under the kitchen table. Mom should have realized “the Golden doth protest too much!” Yet lulled into a false sense of security, she continued on with her afternoon chores, and forgot the incident ever happed. That is until dinner time, when she went to sit down, and spotted the spider dangling from a web off the kitchen table! The spider unceremoniously received a second ride that day, except this time the ride was on an envelope that was handy. However, understanding the spider’s plight, that no one wants to be left out in the cold, Mom safely deposited the spider in a dark corner of the garage away from the traffic of Asa’s insect ride share.

Asa, of course, protested the harsh treatment, claiming it was an inside spider, and that Mom had no proof to put him in the garage. Yet he also had no proof to the contrary. Therefore Mom, acting as judge and jury dismissed his case, and carried on with her usual routine. However, Asa didn’t forget this injustice. Worried about his new best friend, on one of his bazillion trips out, Asa managed to sneak the spider back into the house. Yet this time he knew that the spider needed a hiding place. After carefully surveying the kitchen, Asa thought he found the ideal spot. Once carefully secreted away, Asa also moved on and forgot about the spider.

The following evening at dinnertime, the spider was once again at the forefront of everyone’s thoughts. Mom opened the kitchen drawer to retrieve Asa’s medication, when much to her surprise the spider popped up scaring her! Alright, truth be told, the spider was equally surprised, because Asa had assured him he was safe in the drawer. Asa was also surprised, because he forgot he hid the spider there. Dad and I were just thoroughly amused watching everything unfold. Quickly the spider hid amongst the medication and vitamin bottles, and Mom was at a loss to find him. But I have to hand it to her, she’s patient. Mom sat there waiting, and sure enough the spider eventually fell for her trap. This time his ride on a piece of cardboard landed him outside under the porch, safe from the elements, but nowhere near where Asa enters or exits the house!

I hope the spider doesn’t give me a bad ride share review!


About the author

Chuck Billy is a Golden Retriever, living in Southern Maine, who likes to share his unique observations on life with his little brother Asa. When not writing his blog, he spends his days being awesome.