When I enrolled Mom & Dad into training lessons never did I dream it could someday save Asa’s life. However, that is what exactly happened on a recent errand. Mom needed to run to the market to pick up a missing ingredient for dinner. Having been cooped up in the office all day, Dad leashed up Asa to join her. Meanwhile, I stayed home guarding my dinner bowl. I never do errands at dinner time! Anyways, while Mom ran into the market, Dad and Asa sat outside. Something they’ve done countless times before, but something very unexpected happened this time.
A young man was walking along the sidewalk carrying an overstuffed laundry bag. When he saw Asa he instantly put down the bag, and politely asked Dad if he could pet Asa. Dad gave his usual answer of, “of course!” That’s when this seemingly innocent exchange took a very dark turn.
The young man backed away between the parked cars and stood on the edge of a very busy road full of evening rush hour traffic. Then he proceeded to yell, “COME!” while enticing Asa to run into the road! Dad took a firm grip of the leash. But it wasn’t necessary. Asa didn’t even flinch. Instead, he looked up at Dad with an expression that can best be described as “Is this guy for real?”
The young man continued to yell and try to get Asa to come. He even pretended that he had a treat for Asa! Meanwhile pedestrians stopped and watched in a mix of horror at the young man, and amazement at Asa’s stoic response. After what seemed like an eternity but was probably a mere minute at most, the young man gave up, and walked back over to them. He asked, “What’s wrong with your dog?” Now Dad really wanted to ask the young man, “What’s wrong with you?” But realizing this person was looking for a confrontation, he simply responded, “Nothing. My dog is trained. People must approach him to be petted.”
The young man shrugged his shoulders, grabbed his laundry bag, and continued on his way. Most of the other pedestrians continued on their way too, but a few stopped to congratulate Asa for not responding, and to call that young man the words that Dad was thinking. Thank goodness Mom didn’t witness this because she would not have been so calm as Dad and Asa.
A year ago there is no doubt that Asa would have wanted to run into traffic to meet his new best friend. However, this past year Asa learned many skills that he put to use during that split second confrontation. There was the must be sitting to be petted rule. The no chasing after adoring fans rule. And the no accepting treats from anyone unless Mom or Dad say it is ok rule. Even changing Asa’s recall word from “come” to the less commonly used “heel,” also lead this tale have a happy ending. Thank you Mom and Dad’s trainer for teaching Asa to be safe when the unfathomable happens!