We are excited to announce that Asa’s World Tour of Maine 2024 will be heading out on the road this week! Just like last year’s successful world tour, we will be visiting places in Maine named for countries and famous cities around the globe. Along the way, there will be exploring dog friendly places, hiking, singing, and yes, probably getting lost again too! Who knows, maybe Asa will actually put on a concert this year! But before we hit the road this summer, let’s look back with an exclusive backstage pass to last year’s adventures!
Now you may assume that Asa has the most difficult job, being the up and coming rock star of the show. However, in reality as Asa’s tour manager, I do. It is my responsibility to not only come up with an itinerary, but to also make sure he has all the gear and snacks we need for a successful road trip.

Then we load up our tour van, tractor trailer and tour bus to hit the road! Alright, so that tractor trailer in the picture behind Asa isn’t actually ours, nor is the tour bus behind me part of our entourage. But that’s only because I’m so efficient as a manager, that we don’t need them!

Our crew is small, so we must all pitch in and cover many roles, including Asa, helping with the self-promotion.

However, there have been a few “artistic disagreements” along the trail. For example that time the star of the show refused to carry his own gear. But we always worked things out, namely Asa’s roadies, AKA Mom and Dad, picked up his slack…and his backpack.

Did we get sidetracked occasionally by my own interests? Well, yes. You don’t expect me as a volunteer tour manager to put aside my career as a renowned Dog Ufologist for my little brother? It’s not my fault this was a false lead.

I admit that I may have messed up a time or two by not fully researching our concert venues. I thought for sure we were playing the Westminster Dog Show that day. Luckily I’m good at the pivot, and found a new place to explore that day, leaving Asa none the wiser to my mistake.

And we may have had a moment of panic when the navigation system in the car looked like this on the way to one tour stop. In case you were wondering, yes we were on a paved road, despite what the GPS said.

As tour manager, I also had to call in quite a few favors to keep the show on the road. But no matter the detour, we always got back on track.

Finishing each stop on Asa’s World Tour of Maine with an exclusive after party!

So there you have it, a backstage glimpse on what goes into Asa’s World Tour of Maine. Stay tune for tomorrow’s first stop on the 2024 summer tour! You’re all invited to come along!

And for those who may have missed Asa’s World Tour of Maine 2023, or want to relive the magic, here are a few highlights…