Want to make a lot of hearts happy this Valentine’s Day, by keeping dog bowls filled? Join us in supporting the Be My Valentine fundraiser for No Bowl Empty 2 Pet Food Pantry.
Between January 18 and February 14, 2023 they are asking everyone to mail No Bowl Empty 2 a Valentine’s Day card with a $1 bill in it. That’s less than the cost of a cup of coffee! Yet if everyone did it, those dollar bills will add up quickly. In fact if just their followers on Facebook do it, that’s over $1,400! That would help No Bowl Empty keep their shelves stocked with much needed dog and cat food, and other supplies to help feed pet families in need this winter.
Be sure to follow along on Facebook, because photos of cards will be posted daily along with a running tally of funds raised. Then on March 1, 2023, they will randomly draw a card to receive a special gift from No Bowl Empty 2.
All you need to do is mail a Valentine with $1 to:
No Bowl Empty 2 PFP
238 Old Alfred Road
East Waterboro, ME 04030
It’s that simple! But can make a world of difference in helping No Bowl Empty 2 Pet Food Pantry’s mission that “No one should be forced to surrender their pet because they are unable to afford pet food.” This has become especially true during these difficult economic times. So please, won’t you help us make hearts happy this Valentine’s Day?
Named one of the 20 Outstanding Women of 2022 by Hannaford and Maine’s Coast 93.1, founder Nadine Molloy is adamant that No Bowl Empty 2 Pet Food Pantry is a judgement-free pet pantry. It is operated out of her garage, and provides food and supplies to pet owners experiencing hardship in Maine. We first met Nadine while attending an event in 2015. Her enthusiasm is infectious and her goal of helping pet families in need is unrelenting. To learn more about other ways to help please follow No Bowl Empty 2 on Facebook or Instagram.