Beach in a Box

Dogs, are you tired of putting up with all those rules humans have for beaches? Or perhaps you just want the beach all to yourself? Well look no further! From the dogs who brought you Backyard Fur Oasis, introducing Beach in a Box!

Get your sun, surf, sand, seaweed and seagulls – everything you need for a perfect beach day, in one box!*

*Beach in a Box is all Chuck Billy’s idea, and does not represent those of Living with a Golden. Contents of box may or may not be as promised. Seagull, if in box, is likely to be mad. Open carefully!

Supplies are limited! Meet me at the back of this truck right away!


About the author

Chuck Billy is a Golden Retriever, living in Southern Maine, who likes to share his unique observations on life with his little brother Asa. When not writing his blog, he spends his days being awesome.

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