Ordinarily I’m a good boy, who follows the rules. However every once in awhile I need to break the rules to stand up for the underdog, or in this case llama. Last month while updating our blog post on dog beach rules, I came across one I’ve never seen before: “Horses, ponies, llamas, vicunas, alpacas and other large domesticated animals are not permitted within the beach areas between April 1 and October 1.” In case you’re wondering like I was, vicunas are a smaller relative of the llama. Now I can understand horses being banned, because they make quite a big mess. We once saw a guy following them along the beach with the biggest pooper scooper we’ve ever seen! But llamas? Alright, to be honest, I’ve never seen a llama on this beach or any other that I frequent. So I decided to take a stand and invite my friend, Llily Llama, for a visit to the beach!

As you can see Chuck Billy was very concerned that we’d be asked to leave because of my llama, and tried to hide his identity.

But we continued to play, while Chuck Billy kept watch.

At one point he thought he spotted the Piping Plover Patrol, who may or may not also be on the lookout for llamas breaking the rule, so I panicked and hid.

It was around then when I realized why I haven’t seen any llamas on the beach before. Apparently sand gets caught easily in their wool. Maybe they’ve been there all along, and are just camouflaged?

But Llily Llama didn’t mind the sand as we walked along enjoying the beach together. Even Chuck Billy relaxed and enjoyed the day.

Note the sign in the upper left corner of the photo below. On the other side it states the rules for dogs and horses, but no mention of llamas. Perhaps not everyone is familiar with this town ordinance? Because as I approached the parking enforcement to exit the beach, ready to face the consequences of my act of disobedience, they complimented me on how well behaved Chuck Billy and I were! Proof some laws are meant to be broken!

Llily Llama and I had a fun time. Take that whoever banned llamas from the beach! We sure showed you there’s no need for drama when it comes to llamas!