If you’re looking at this because you’re interested in reading a bedtime story, well this isn’t the post for you. But if you want to read stories about bedtime with Asa, then grab a snack and get comfortable because I have tales to tell! For the past two weeks Mom and Dad have been keeping a close watch on Asa while his stitches heal. Normally Asa sleeps downstairs with me, because his philosophy is rock and roll all night. So while Mom and Dad get a peaceful night’s sleep, I get a front row seat to Asa’s show. Not now though! The first couple of nights after Asa’s surgery, Mom slept downstairs on his dog bed with him. Asa was still groggy, so it gave Mom the false optimism that Asa now sleeps through the night, and welcomed him upstairs to their room. Let’s just say Mom should never jump to conclusions.
Now the goal of sleeping upstairs with them was to make sure Asa didn’t scratch at his stitches. Well thanks to all the stuff in the bedroom, scratching was the least of Asa’s concerns. He rearranged Mom’s shoes one night. Found a few old friends, which were squeaky toys hidden from my younger days of destroying them, and long forgotten in the back of the closet. And while trying to sniff the calming scent of Mom’s lavender shower soap, Asa accidentally knocked all the bottles of shampoo and soap into the tub.
Lesson learned, after a few sleepless nights there, Mom decided to move the party to the guest bedroom. There’s not much in that room, so definitely less distracting for Asa. Or so she thought. Mom awoke one night to the sounds of a struggle. Asa somehow managed to get stuck under the bed while wearing his cone! His stitches are strategically placed that if he moved the wrong way the cone could rub on the ones on the back of his neck. The two other areas were on his hind end. So while half asleep, Mom had to figure out how to get Asa out from under the bed with stitches intact. Mission accomplished!
Realizing under the bed was not the ideal place to sleep, during another restless night Asa decided on top of the bed was the place to be. So in the wee hours of the night he jumped onto the bed on top of Mom! She now has a paw-like bruise on her back. Dad suggested if she ever wanted a paw tattoo, this would be the time to get it, because the bruise would be easy to trace Asa’s paw. Sleep deprived Mom, did not appreciate this suggestion.
Now before you think Dad missed out on all the fun, he too got to spend a few nights in the guest room with Asa. Whereas with Mom, Asa worked on his physical comedy, with Dad he practiced psychological experiments. One morning Dad awoke to find Asa wasn’t wearing his cone. Odd, but Dad assumed he must have forgot to put it on the night before. The next night it happened again, and Dad swore he put it on him. Annoyed that Dad wasn’t taking this serious by not coning Asa, Mom slept in the room with Asa the next night. She awoke to the familiar sound of the cone hitting something. She rolled over and watched as Asa happily stuck his head under the bed, and then carefully wiggled his way backwards to pry the cone off! The next morning she apologized to Dad. He was just relieved to know that he wasn’t losing his mind.
Sure most of the nights were relatively uneventful, and Asa’s goofiness made the lack of sleep entertaining. But Mom and Dad are really looking forward to Asa getting his stitches out today, and not needing to monitor him. As for me, I’ve had the best sleep these past two weeks alone downstairs! However, I’m ready to welcome Asa back, because I’ve missed my little buddy. Well that, and Mom and Dad are cranky when they don’t get enough sleep.
UPDATE: The lumps that were removed are all BENIGN! Thank you to everyone for your positive energy, prayers, and kind words while we waited for this wonderful news! And sending my love and support to all pet families who are awaiting their lab results. Love, Asa