Today I thought I’d give you an update on how the hair situation is going with my family. When I last updated you about their Hair Raising Experience in August, Mom had given up cutting her bangs and was growing them out for the Adams Family’s Cousin It look. Well I’m happy to report, she has fully committed to that look for Halloween. Problem is she recently purchased ginger honey scented shampoo, which had some unforeseen consequences. Mom’s hair now smells like gingerbread cookies. Causing her to move on from her pumpkin spice obsession, to now craving all things gingerbread! Even Asa and myself can’t resist sniffing her fresh from the bakery locks.
As for Dad, well unfortunately despite Mom’s decent attempt at cutting his hair, he fired her as his barber. Instead, emboldened after watching a few YouTube videos, Dad decided to cut his own hair. I’m pleased to say from the front he did a much better job than Mom. Even his coworkers commented on his improved appearance during their most recent zoom meeting. They probably wouldn’t be so complimentary though if they saw what the back of his head looked like. But thankfully with the chill in the air hat weather is here, so whenever Dad leaves the house he can cover up his mistake until it grows back.
Asa also continues to experiment with new looks during the pandemic. He’s currently growing his fur long to go along with his rockstar image. Problem is it is a bit fluffier than he envisioned, and he looks more like a poodle than the singer of Twisted Sister.
How Asa sees himself…

How the world sees Asa…