I thought I’d take this time to give you an update on some of our previous posts. First off, I’m pleased to say Asa’s venture into becoming a building materials supplier for bird nests has been quite successful. Asa has been happily taking orders for fur, and filled the feeder up twice this spring. As you can see here, we have photos of a very satisfied customer.

You may recall over the winter we wassailed our apple trees. According to Anglo-Saxon folklore, if we preformed this ritual to scare away the bad spirits, we would have a bountiful harvest of apples this fall. It looked like it worked too, because this spring our apple trees were covered in blossoms…which the deer promptly ate the day after Mom took this photo. A few blossoms survived, so we remain hopeful. However, I’m now researching what songs and chants Asa needs to sing to scare away the deer!

I’m pleased to report we checked our hive on Sunday, and the Queen Bee was released from her protective travel cage and is happily moved into her new home. Although I’m a bit suspicious of who we welcomed into my Chuck BEEly hive. When Dad put the Queen’s cage into the hive, he grabbed what he thought was a random piece of cardboard to staple it to, in order to make it easier to retrieve later. It wasn’t until he removed it yesterday that I saw it said “UFO” on it! Is this some sort of warning about a secret extraterrestrial agenda to watch me? How could I forget the post I wrote in 2018 warning about Robot Bees!

And finally, it appears the birds and the squirrels ate the wildflower seeds we planted for Mom on Mother’s Day. She’s disappointed, but we will try again. In the meantime, look at how beautiful our Sargent crabapples look this spring! Thankfully the deer don’t eat these blossoms.