Category Archives: Chuck Billy’s Blog

Walking with Bon Jovi

WHAT?  Sorry I can’t hear you over Adolescent Asa’s caterwauling.  He is singing along to Mom’s Bon Jovi CDs.  Bon Jovi released their new album today, and it’s Mom’s tradition to play all their CDs to celebrate.  By my estimate that’s 258 tracks, and that’s not counting the DVDs and VHS tapes that she’ll watch […]

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Quoth the Golden, “Nevermore!”

Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, this is silly, Over many a quaint and curious costume of forgotten Halloweens — While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came some laughing, As of some one gently laughing, laughing at my garb. “’Tis the TV,” I muttered, “laughing in my living room —             Only this […]

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The Goldens Are Coming!

The Goldens Are Coming! The Goldens Are Coming!  Listen my children and you shall hear of the midday walk of Chuck Billy!  I decided that our recent trip to Battle Road Trail in Concord, Massachusetts was the perfect opportunity to teach Asa about the American Revolution.  However, it didn’t take long for me to realize […]

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