Category Archives: Places to go

Herman Melville’s Arrowhead, Pittsfield, Massachusetts

This week in our continuing series on the Berkshires, we take you to the grounds of Herman Melville’s home, Arrowhead, located in Pittsfield, Massachusetts (780 Holmes Road). Built in the 1780s by Captain David Bush, this rambling farmhouse also served as a tavern along the busy road between Pittsfield and Lenox until 1844. After passing […]

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Edith Wharton’s The Mount, in Lenox, Massachusetts

We cordially invite you to join us for a virtual walk on the grounds of Edith Wharton’s estate, The Mount, located in Lenox, Massachusetts. Designed by Edith Wharton, author of The Age of Innocence, Ethan Frome, The House of Mirth, and most notably for today’s post The Decoration of Houses, the house was built in 1902, and […]

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Mount Greylock in Lanesborough, Massachusetts

As the highest mountain in Massachusetts, Mount Greylock has been attracting visitors to the Berkshires since the early 1800s. By midcentury, authors and artists were all trying to capture its beauty in words and art. In 1875, so many tourists were visiting, that a summit house was built to accommodate travelers with food and lodging. […]

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Conclusion of Our Quest for the Berkshires’ Bigfoot

Friends, we have reached the dramatic conclusion of our quest to find the Berkshires’ Bigfoot! As we prepared for one final expedition to search October Mountain for the elusive creature, or shy friend, as Asa has considered him during our journey, there was a palpable sense that day was different from the rest of the […]

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Our Quest for the Berkshires’ Bigfoot Continues

Pups, we have reached the place that inspired our quest to find the Berkshires’ Bigfoot, October Mountain! As I shared 4 days ago, I’ve been planning this adventure for years ever since I watched a documentary regarding paranormal activity in western Massachusetts’ the Berkshires. In New England Legends, season 1, episode 1 (2013 available on […]

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Getting Closer to the Berkshires’ Bigfoot

The big rats that I introduced you to yesterday on our quest to find the Berkshires’ Bigfoot, told us we should visit the Natural Bridge State Park. Not being experts, such as myself, the big rats suggested that perhaps the natural marble bridge may hold the secret to where Bigfoot is hiding. Sure it was […]

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New Friends on Our Quest for the Berkshires’ Bigfoot

As our quest for the Berkshires’ Bigfoot continued, Asa reminded me that we were also in western Massachusetts to celebrate Mom and Dad’s anniversary. Therefore, after the success of our first day, I reluctantly agreed to a side trip to visit The Mount, home of Edith Wharton, author of The Age of Innocence, Ethan Frome, and The House […]

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Our Quest for the Berkshires’ Bigfoot Begins

Last month we headed to the Berkshires in western Massachusetts to pursue my interest in the paranormal. Why the Berkshires? Because way back in 2017 I watched a documentary discussing sightings of UFOs, ghosts, and Bigfoot at October Mountain in this mountainous and forested region of Massachusetts, and ever since I have been determined to […]

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Splish, Splash, Walking in Bath, Maine

This week Asa’s World Tour of Maine is coming to you from Bath! Located near the mouth of the Kennebec River, this area first attracted European settlers in 1607 at the nearby Popham colony. Alright, so they barely lasted a year before heading back to England. However, not to be deterred, more Europeans eventually returned […]

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