This week are celebrating 8 years of sharing our adventures on! It all begin in January 2015 when I decided to start this blog for several reasons. First and foremost was to welcome my little brother, Asa, to the family and chronicle our adventures together. Hence the name, “Living with a Golden.” I also wanted this to be a place where I could share with Asa my memories of our big brother Lemmy, so that he could get to know him like I did. In addition, I wanted to use this blog to share with you our favorite dog friendly places in Maine and around New England, and encourage all dogs to go out and enjoy adventures too. As time progressed, I added dog friendly events that support animal related nonprofits near and dear to our heart, as well fun facts about our favorite state, and dog history too. Never in my wildest imagination, and you know that my imagination can be really wild, did I even think it would become as popular as it is, with friends across the country and around the world! Thank You!
Thank you for coming along on our adventures no matter how out of the world they may be, for singing along and encouraging us to dream big, for cheering us up on droopy tail days, and for challenging us to expand our world by exploring new places. We also thank you for sticking with us through the typos and when technical glitches pop up from time to time. I really do promise someday we’ll figure out a way to get ALL the Dog Friendly Places we’ve visited back on that currently full page, and will update the directions app that ironically got lost along the way. Also thank you for supporting the dog friendly community fundraisers that we share, and lending a helping paw to these causes. Finally, thank you for sharing your stories and pictures with us! We’ve enjoyed getting to know the many friends who take the time to comment and share whether it is through Twitter, Facebook, or the blog itself. We enjoy chatting with all of you!
So let’s raise a toast! Cheers to 1,988+ blog posts, 150+ dog friendly places, and countless happy tail wags along the way! We look forward to sharing even more of our adventures with you!

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