I am pleased to announce the Chipmunk’s crime spree has come to a peaceful conclusion. He has been let off with a warning, and shows no signs of vandalizing my garden again. I might add though the case was wrapped up without any help from Patrolbird Owl. Although I am not allowed to discuss the specifics of an employees’ termination, I will state that she took advantage of the generous flextime in her contract, and hasn’t been seen for weeks. In her place though, I found an even better recruit, whose dedication to her post is unsurpassed – Introducing Sarah Owl Jewett!

Since her arrival two weeks ago the Chipmunk has not been seen anywhere near my garden. Not only that, but the other critters who have been lurking around waiting for our vegetables to ripen, have not dared to trespass either. In fact, thanks to her presence, Dad has been able to add to my garden, as well as replace some of the plants damaged by the Chipmunk’s crime spree.
Sarah’s dedication to her patrol post has not gone unnoticed. She remains faithful to her spot day and night, and has yet to take anytime off. Also, unlike her predecessor, she is not nosey and constantly asking “Who?” If her quality of work continues, she is on track to be named employee of the month!