Alright, now that things are slowly going back to normal here with Asa, I admit I had my doubts that would happen so may have come up with a backup plan. But do you blame me? Routine is very important to me, especially my daily walks. With things veering off schedule, I knew I needed to come up with a contingency plan.
I didn’t intend for it to be this way. But when Asa was at the emergency vet two weeks ago, Dad took me for a walk. At that same time our neighbors were out for a walk, so they joined us. As Dad and the man chatted, I found myself drifting towards the woman. Dad noticed and handed her my leash, with some comment of “looks like he prefers to walk with you today.” She happily took the leash and off we went. Good pace. Walked at a perfect heel. Two laps up and down the road. And I know that she keeps a walking schedule similar to mine because I see her often.
The next day after Asa arrived home, Dad and I went for another walk. Sure enough there she was again! This time she greeted me with a very cheery, “Chuck Billy!” and took my leash without prompting. That was when it struck me, if Mom and Dad were unable to keep to my schedule, this neighbor would be a good replacement. She walks twice a day, around the times I do. Sure she doesn’t do a lunchtime walk, but I could train her to add that easy enough.
On the third day, Dad took me for a walk bright and early on Sunday morning. Ok, maybe not bright, it was barely dawn. But we all had a rough night with Asa whimpering, and I thought it was time to put my backup plan into play. As we walked I kept an eye out for my new walking buddy, but there was no sign of her or her husband. Well luckily I know which house is hers, so I stopped at the top of her driveway and started barking. Surely she’d come out and take my leash. But alas she didn’t. She did however text Dad from inside her house to say although she was happy for my invitation, it was a little too early on a Sunday for her to walk. Well that was awkward. How could she refuse a walk with me?
Upon further consideration, I should have known my backup plan wouldn’t work. She has a cat, who no doubt sent that text declining my invitation. She was probably fast asleep, and didn’t even hear my barking! At least on the bright side, since then my walks with Dad are back on schedule. So that gives me more time to come up with a contingency plan.

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