Once again I’m realizing I underestimated Mom and Dad’s trainer. I just hope I didn’t accidentally ruin his surprise for me. It was one year ago that Asa and I enrolled Mom and Dad for some training classes. Back then I simply wanted to fine tune their leash walking so that Asa and I didn’t have to drag them along behind us everywhere we went. However, Mom and Dad’s trainer was quick to point out there were a few other areas that needed some adjustments. Some I agreed with, while others made absolutely no sense. That is until now. Thanks to a recent drive through Franconia Notch in New Hampshire, I stumbled upon his ultimate goal for me.
Mom and Dad’s trainer is planning to make me the star of my own tourist attraction – the “Old Man of the Mountain!” Now the foolish nickname he gave me of “Old Man” makes perfect sense. Also the skills he has been teaching us will prove to be quite useful at my roadside attraction. Before I would have felt the need to run around and greet each of my adoring fans. But he made me realize that I can meet far more people by patiently sitting in one place. Not only that, but they will pet me longer if I don’t try to jump and spin. Thanks Mom and Dad’s trainer for showing me the proper way to greet my adoring fans, so that I may be the star of my very own tourist destination!

So move over “Wolfman” of Clark’s Trading Post, there’s now a Golden Wolf playing a starring role at the White Mountains! Also based on the signage Mom and Dad’s trainer even got one of my favorite authors to write a short story about me, The Great Stone Face. This passage from Nathaniel Hawthorne’s tale describes me perfectly: “It was a happy lot for children to grow up to manhood or womanhood with the Great Stone Face before their eyes, for all the features were noble, and the expression was at once grand and sweet, as if it were the glow of a vast, warm heart, that embraced all mankind in its affections, and had room for more.”

Personally, I see myself more of a beach dog, but I’m sure he has his reasons for choosing this location. Also I don’t understand the wording of one of the signs. But no worries, as long as people are there to pet me, I don’t care what the sign says! I’m not sure when the exhibit officially opens, but just look for the signs off of Route 93 because I may or may not be there.