I’m all for spreading holiday cheer, but I wish these carolers would do it someplace else! The Coyotes have been out in force wandering our neighborhood, and their proximity to our home makes me nervous.
It all started last weekend, when we couldn’t help but notice in the light coating of snow that blanketed the ground overnight there were Coyote tracks. Now we’ve seen tracks before, we’ve even seen the actual Coyotes, but they tended to keep to themselves lurking along the wood line or peering at us from a safe distance in the fields. However, these tracks clearly show an estimated 4 to 6 Coyotes brazenly walked up our driveway right along the walkway that leads to our front door, and then jumped a snowbank to follow some deer tracks into the woods. They’ve never come that close to our house before! Sure, they’ve walked along our fence, but these tracks were at our door!
Even more disturbing, we weren’t the only house they visited. On neighborhood patrol we saw their telltale tracks meandering in and out of the woods and onto our neighbors’ lawns. One even brazenly walked right down the center of the road with paw prints flanking him on either side! We’ve never seen tracks so close to the houses and away from the safety of the woods before. At least that first night they were quiet.
It was the following night that they decided to wake the neighborhood by caroling their haunting howls in the wee hours before dawn! The next morning we awoke to even more paw prints on our once pristine snow covered front lawn. This time they not only approached the house again, they added insult to injury by scent marking near Asa’s favorite bathroom spot in our side yard! Dad bravely followed the tracks into our woods, and found where they had feasted on wild turkey at their holiday party.
Asa is, of course, disappointed he wasn’t invited to their party. However, I’m trying to explain to him that this was one event he needed to sit out. Paws crossed they got all their celebrating out of their system and will not be heard caroling again!