I, Chuck Billy, may have misjudged my Coyote neighbors. For years now I have been critical of their carousing at all hours in the night. When in reality, they are working the overnight neighborhood patrol shift. In fact, thanks to their vigilance, they may have protected us from mice with nefarious intentions!
This change in attitude came when Friday morning I awoke to find Coyote tracks in the newly fallen snow in MY fenced in yard! At first I was indignant that one dared to walk through the opening in our gate with the missing slat, and march right over to our box garden. However, upon closer inspection, I saw that a struggle took place by the garden. Part of the tarp was turned up to reveal mice were squatting without permission in the garden close to our home. Well based on the crime scene evidence, that Coyote apprehended those mice and they will no longer be a threat.
I then followed the Coyote tracks over to my poop barrel, where he did a thorough inspection. It appears we share the same values that poop must be disposed of properly. That’s one of my biggest pet peeves, you know, is dogs who don’t insist that their human pick up after them. Satisfied with our system of waste management, the Coyote then slipped through another part of the fence. I do admit that had me dumbstruck that he could fit through that narrow opening! With the exception of the missing slat, I thought my fortress was impenetrable! But I could clearly see in the snow, where he paused, sized up the situation, and squeezed through brushing off the snow on the bottom railing as he went.
After ensuring the fenced in area of my yard was secured, he then explored the area near our wood line, no doubt looking for trespassing deer. I then followed the tracks to where he cut back through the woods and rejoined his pack on the road. In fact, upon closer examination of those tracks, it appears the Coyotes are an efficient patrol team. I could see where each member branched off to examine the neighbors’ yards, before joining up again to continue walking their beat.
Coyotes, my sincere apologies for not recognizing sooner that you’ve been working the thankless overnight neighborhood patrol shift all these years! Your diligence to keep our neighborhood safe is very much appreciated. Now if you’ll please excuse me, I really should fix that missing board in the fence!

Followed by explaining to Asa that despite their help, it still is not safe for him to invite the Coyotes over to play!